Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cynicism is not Leadership!

Why is it that often the hopes, dreams and goals that accompany a new year, give way to cynicism before Valentine's Day?

Somehow we sometimes get so beaten down by the status quo, that we think it's "naive" to hope for something more. So we fall into the old patterns of cynicism. "That's the way it's always been around here". "They'll never accept my new idea". "Things will never change".

Well this thinking might be safe, and it's sure a nice place to hide, but it's not leadership.

As alliance managers our job is to lead. To believe that change is possible, that better is possible. I'm not talking about being blind to the realities and challenges of the current environment. I'm talking about being fully cognizant of the obstacles and challenges before you, but deciding that you are going to try to make a difference anyway.

As we attack our alliance plans and strategies for 2011, let's resolve to lead.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! With the New Year comes reflection on 2010 and thoughts about how to improve in 2011.

I had the pleasure today of hearing Debbie Yow deliver a keynote address at a professional women's luncheon. Debbie is the Athletic Director at NC State University, one of only three female ADs in the nation. She's an impressive professional and a pioneer in her field. She delivered an inspiring talk today.

Her words were about success. She laid out a 3 step gameplan, that I believe is particularly prescriptive (and timely) for evaluating alliance relationships.

  1. Assess the current state. Honestly and accurately evaluate where you are now.
  2. Set the right goals for the right reasons.
  3. Guage progress.
She also outlined what she coined "dream killers"
  • Tradition. "I honor the past, but I don't want to live there."
  • Fear.
  • Stereotypes.
  • Complacency.
  • Fatigue.
  • Short term thinking.
  • Ineffective communication.
  • Lack of vision.
As you evaluate your alliance organization and partnerships, her words would be good to keep in mind...