Monday, March 14, 2011

The "hole in the donut"

Do you know someone who revels in pointing out obvious problems with nary a thought of possible solutions?

I worked for a manager back in the early 90's that used to call these people folks who "point at the hole in the donut". He told us not to be caught doing this ......You know this person - Captain Obvious - the one who shows up at the meeting pointing out all the reasons your idea, your partnership, will fail.

As Alliance Managers, we don't have the luxury of simply pointing at the hole in the donut. If there's a hole in the donut, our job is to figure out how to address it, or identify risk factors to help management make go/no go decisions. Our job is to find the path to success...analyze ...problem solve and decide. 

Pointing at the hole in the donut is for the weak, passive and afraid. That's not us!


  1. I love this Donna. We need to talk more often.

  2. Thanks so much. I really dislike this behavior. It normally comes from people that don't have the energy, drive, creativity, boldness, etc. to be part of the solution development effort, so they safely sit on the sidelines - stuck on problem identification. Problem identification is necessary, but it's never sufficient if you want to create value.
